The Team

So who are we?

I’m Sasha.
I’m 30, married and a mum to three tiny humans and a slightly special hound named Latte. When I’m not doing the mum gig; I work with people & their problems.


This is Steve. He builds stuff. He also has a keen interest in most things outdoorsy and appreciates a craft beer any day of the week.


This is Sophie. Eldest child and expert negotiator. She recently turned three and is very keen to tell anyone she comes into contact with. Sophie loves to sing. Give her a few days listening to a song in the car, and she will recite it word for word during one of her bedtime medleys.


This is Lily. Middle child by age, but also by personality. She is one of a kind. One and a bit going on 30. Her short stature does not hold her back for a second. *I’ll get to more of that later.

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This little chunky monkey is Levi. He’s getting near 3 months old now. Yep, the tubes are a dead give away; he is on home oxygen 24/7 as his quirk is to forget to breathe while he’s asleep. He is the sweetest thing. I can’t wait to see more of his personality develop.
