About Me

I’m Sasha. 

I’m a 20 something who lives just outside of Brisbane, Australia

I have a husband named Steve, a newborn we call Sophie and hound who comes running to Lattè.


I started blogging as a way to say the thing’s I didn’t think I was brave enough to say out loud’; thus the idea behind “Sasha fierce”.

I plan to write about my journey as a new mum and this new chapter that I’m walking in to.

I can talk underwater so if you ever want to email me, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at sgarner88@hotmail.com.au

Instagram: theycallmesashafierce

8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. thepreciouslife says:

    Such an inspiring story you have there! I came across your blog through blogging101 and now you’ve got a new follower, yay! Also, what a beautiful family you have now. More power! ❤

  2. Audry Walsh says:

    You rock! will be dropping you a line within today or tomorrow ( trying to find the best time between zones 🙂 ) Thank you so much for your awesomeness and kindness. I am new to all this but for sure your you have such a bright light, YOU ARE pure sunshine! ♥ Sending you Cyber HUGS! 🙂

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